
Crisis 1 & 2.

Hi I'm in Korea. For now.
Currently I'm sitting in the airport. I was supposed to fly to Vietnam yesterday but had a slight set back... um yea. Not my smartest move but originally I thought I'd stay in Korea till the 14th but didn't realize the plane would only get in at 10pm that night, so I made my flight for the 13th... and didnt' change my visa. So I couldn't go to Vietnam yesterday. I felt like an idiot. I pulled a 26 hour wait in the airport. I was too stuborn to go back to Seoul or find somewhere else to sleep. I did find a quiet corner with a semi soft bench, popped two gravel and passed out for probably close to 10 hours surprisingly. It was kinda good to just read and write, and catch up on some internet. I was kinda pissed cause I paid like $4 for internet before going through security and its free on this side! stupid..
Anyways So Korea... Seoul was awesome! I had a super good time. I loved it. Which kind of surprised me. I knew I'd have a good time, but I didn't think I would enjoy Korea that much. Its never been a place I thought I'd go, but its deffinalty on the list of places to return someday.
I arrived Wed evening and met up with Tyler. The days consisted of markets, a palace tour, the Seoul tower, a war memorial museum, a day trip to a traditional folk village, a baseball game, church, an amusement park... and this wonderful wait in the airport. My favorite part was probably the baseball game. Both Seoul teams were playing so it was packed. And the people here are pretty passionate about their baseball. Lots of fans and lots of cheering. The days left me quite exhausted and there weren't many late nights.
Oh side note, I broked my laptop. I think its fried. I love life.
I have no idea what I'm doing in Vietnam. I'm so clueless and unprepared. Things always work themselves out. I found when I went to Australia I was prepared and plans always change once youre there, so I just don't have a plan. But I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Expect the best. Prepare for the worst.