

(When youre ready, I'll be ready.)

This week was full of disappointments and let downs. I was upset Mon and Tues night about plans not going according to plan. Tues while sitting at home a friend called me and invited me to a show with her. Her plans too had not gone according to plan and she needed someone to go with. It was a beautiful night of music and peppermint tea. Just what I needed. And a reminder that my plan isn't always the best plan.

Check out Aidan Knight and NorthCote.

I didnt work a ton this week so I had lots of opportunity to see friends and get stuff done. I started building my website which has been exciting and fun. Stressful cause I'm struggling with defining my personal style as a photographer... I dont want it to be the same as every other photographer but I dont want it to be too out there either. When it comes down to it the site is pretty plain. I need to sort out logos and watermarks yet this week too. It should be live by the end of the August forsure. Stay tuned!

Lots of shooting this weekend, so more interesting posts coming soon. xx



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