
North American Scum.

I am about to have the most amazing week of my life. Ok close.
So I'm going to Vancouver to visit my best. As if that isn't good enough...
I am getting together with four of the most amazing girls I've ever met. Homegirls from Fernie BC. A few of who I haven't seen in THREE years.
Plus coffee dates with a high school friend, a camp friend and another Fernie friend from church.
Plus supper with my two cousins and their spouses, the cutest baby cousin, and my grandma.
Plus meeting up with an Australian friend in Whislter.
Plus supper with a good friend who I met in Australia.
And yesterday I find out my friend from Toronto, who I met in Australia is going to be in Vancouver and Whistler, the same day as me. We're on the same flippin bus to Whistler.

I feel like the stars have alined.
I know no one really knows what I'm talking about but this is big, very big.
I might throw up I'm so excited.
That is all.

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